
Registration at the town hall

If you plan to stay in Italy for more than 3 months, please contact the “Ufficio Anagrafe” at the Town Hall (Comune) where you reside and ask for the “iscrizione anagrafica” and for a copy of the certificate.

National health service (eu citizens)

For stays not longer than 90 days, the European Health Insurance Card / TEAM Card (Tessera Sanitaria Europea) allows EU citizens to receive the necessary medical assistance and to be refunded once they go back home. If you stay longer than 90 days, EU-citizens can register at the Local Health Authority (Azienda Sanitaria Locale – ASL) with the European “S1” form that they should obtain from the healthcare institution in their home country prior to their arrival in Italy.

Family doctor

Each family doctor has an outpatient department where he/she guarantees free general medical examinations at fixed hours. You can refer to your family doctor for prescriptions for specialist and diagnostic examinations and prescriptions of medicines.


The medicines prescribed by your doctor are available at the chemist’s shop (Farmacia). Some drugs considered “life-saver” are free or on payment of a co-fee (ticket). Other medicines are not included in the National Health Service and have to be paid entirely. At the chemist’s, there are also drugs that may be sold without medical prescription on payment of the entire price. In your area, you will find a chemist’s open during the night and on holidays. Outside every chemist’s shop, you will find information about the chemists opened in your area.

Specialist Examinations and Laboratory Tests

For specialist examinations and laboratory tests, you have to obtain a medical prescription issued by your family doctor. You generally have to make a reservation by showing the medical prescription and your health card at the reception of the hospital or the outpatient department where you will undergo the examination or at the reservation desk (Centro Unico Prenotazione – CUP). Specialist examinations and laboratory tests must be paid. Some particular circumstances (disability, low income or age reasons) entitle patients for fee exemption. For further information on the requisites for exemption, you can refer to the exemption office of your ASL.

Health Emergencies – The Emergencies number 118

The 118 is a free public emergency service available 24/24 hours. You must use the 118 only in case of emergency requiring immediate intervention. The 118 does not replace the family doctor.

Health assistance doctor / guardia medica

Largo Cappelli 1, Ancona Tel .0718705620
Viale della Vittoria 9, Ancona Tel. 07187051

First Aid Station

In case of health emergency, you can go to the first aid station of the closest hospital. The first aid station provides first treatment in case of health emergency. Patients are not admitted according to their arrival time but based on the assessment by the reception staff of the severity of the symptoms.

Other emergency numbers (toll-free)

  • 112 Carabinieri
  • 115 Fire Brigade
  • 113 Police
  • 116 Car Rescue Service