Residence permit
The Italian law requires that non-EU citizens planning to stay in Italy for more than 3 months apply for the residence permit within 8 working days from their arrival in Italy. In order to apply for the residence permit, non-EU citizens have to collect a kit for the resident permit application at any Post Office (Ufficio Poste Italiane). The nearest Post Office to our offices is located in Largo XXIV Maggio, Ancona.
You will need to attach to the application the following documents:
- photocopies of all the pages of your passport;
- copy of the certificate stating the course you will enrol in, with the stamp of the Italian Embassy/Consulate in your Country, released by the Embassy/Consulate;
- copy of your Health insurance;
- a € 16 duty stamp (marca da bollo). You can buy it at the Tobacconist’s (Tabacchi).
After filling out the application form, the application has to be handed in at any Post Office.
The postal expenses amount to € 30,00. You will have also to pay € 70,46 in order to obtain the electronic residence permit card. Costs may vary depending on changes of national rules. The post office employer will give you a receipt. You always have to bring with you the postal receipt or at least a copy of it, together with your passport until you receive your electronic residence permit. Together with the receipt, the Post Office will give you a sheet indicating the day and time of the appointment at the Questura Immigration Office in order to be fingerprinted. It is mandatory to go and get fingerprinted on the day and at the time indicated in the appointment sheet issued by the Post Office. In order to renew your residence permit, you need to submit the application at least 60 days before the expire date. It is strongly recommended to apply for the renewal before the deadline. In order to collect the kit for the renewal application submission, you can go to any Post office.
Via G. Gervasoni n.19 – 60129 Ancona Tel. 07122881
Codice fiscale (tax identification number)
The tax identification number (“codice fiscale”) is a personal code that identifies each person living in Italy. The tax identification number provides a mean of identification of foreign citizens in their relations with public authorities and other administrations. For example, it is necessary to get enrolled in the university, open a bank account, buy an Italian sim card or rent a flat.
How to get it:
Before departure, citizens residing abroad can apply for a tax code at the Italian Consulate or Embassy in their Country of residence.
In case you have not obtained a tax code via this method, you can send an email directly to UNIVPM’s Students and Right to Study Office:
You will need to attach:
- the AA4/8 form, ENG-version or ITA-version, filled and signed by the applicant;
- copy of a valid identity document.
Only identity documents recognized by the Italian authorities will be accepted, i.e.:
- for EU citizens, the identity card of the Country of origin;
- for non-EU citizens, the passport with relevant visa (where required) or the residence permit.
Documents will be sent to the Revenue Agency and the Students and Right to Study Office will send you the tax code attribution certificate by email.
The “Agenzia delle Entrate” Office of Ancona is located in Via Palestro n.15 (near Piazza Pertini): Tel. +39 071 2274411.
National health service (non-eu citizens)
If you are not in possession of a private medical insurance, you are strongly recommended to apply for the Italian National Health Service (Servizio Sanitario Nazionale -SSN), in order to use public health service. The registration to the National Health Service lasts one year, it refers to the calendar year (1 January-31 December) and cannot be split up. As of January 2024, the annual contribution payment is 700 euros, as stipulated by Art. 1 Paragraph 240 of Law No. 213 of December 30, 2023. For working students, the registration to the National Health Service is mandatory.
The documents necessary for the registration are:
- Residence permit
- Identity document (Passport)
- Codice fiscale (Italian fiscal code)
- Document certifying your residence or self-declaration of residence
- Receipt of payment of registration fee
You need to apply at the Local Health Authority (Aziende Sanitarie Locali -ASL) closest to your place of residence. The ASL Offices are located in:
- Viale Della Vittoria, 9 – 60123 Ancona (telephone 071 5965886).
- Viale Cristoforo Colombo, 106 – 60127 Ancona (telephone 800 645 333).
Upon registration, a health card is issued. On the card you will find your identification number, your name and the name of your family doctor. The health card expires together with your residence permit. You can access health services only by showing your health card.
Family doctor
Each family doctor has an outpatient department where he/she guarantees free general medical examinations at fixed hours. You can refer to your family doctor for prescriptions for specialist and diagnostic examinations and prescriptions of medicines.
The medicines prescribed by your doctor are available at the chemist’s shop (Farmacia). Some drugs considered “life-saver” are free or on payment of a co-fee (ticket). Other medicines are not included in the National Health Service and have to be paid entirely. At the chemist’s, there are also drugs that may be sold without medical prescription on payment of the entire price. In your area, you will find a chemist’s open during the night and on holidays. Outside every chemist’s shop, you will find information about the chemists opened in your area.
Specialist Examinations and Laboratory Tests
For specialist examinations and laboratory tests, you have to obtain a medical prescription issued by your family doctor. You generally have to make a reservation by showing the medical prescription and your health card at the reception of the hospital or the outpatient department where you will undergo the examination or at the reservation desk (Centro Unico Prenotazione – CUP). Specialist examinations and laboratory tests must be paid. Some particular circumstances (disability, low income or age reasons) entitle patients for fee exemption. For further information on the requisites for exemption, you can refer to the exemption office of your ASL.
Health Emergencies – The Emergencies number 118
The 118 is a free public emergency service available 24/24 hours. You must use the 118 only in case of emergency requiring immediate intervention. The 118 does not replace the family doctor.
Health assistance doctor / guardia medica
Largo Cappelli 1, Ancona Tel .0718705620
Viale della Vittoria 9, Ancona Tel. 07187051
First Aid Station
In case of health emergency, you can go to the first aid station of the closest hospital. The first aid station provides first treatment in case of health emergency. Patients are not admitted according to their arrival time but based on the assessment by the reception staff of the severity of the symptoms.
Other emergency numbers (toll-free)
- 112 Carabinieri
- 115 Fire Brigade
- 113 Police
- 116 Car Rescue Service