
Students can choose among different travel discounts offered by public local companies of Ancona, Fermo, Ascoli Piceno and San Benedetto del Tronto.

Università Politecnica delle Marche has signed an agreement with Conerobus, the transport company of Ancona. The request has to be handed directly at Conerobus Office, filling in the form available on our website. Find further information here.

In Ancona, UNIVPM has also activated two different shuttle services to make it easier for students to reach our facilities:

The first service, called “Politecnica Link”, is a shuttle service between Passo Varano train station, Ancona train station and Monte Dago Campus. The shuttle schedule is planned according to trains’ timetables in those train stops. This service is available on working days, from Monday to Friday.

The second service, called “Medical Link”, connects Regional, High Speed (Frecce) and Intercity trains arriving at Ancona and Ancona Torrette station with buses bound for the Ancona Torrette hospital – university hub. With a single train+bus travel ticket that can be purchased in all Trenitalia sales channels (Trenitalia.com, App, ticket offices, selfservice, convention points of sale and travel agencies), it is possible to use daily connections to and from the “Ancona Polo Ospedaliero Universitario” location. In Trenitalia’s ticket booking platform, enter “Ancona Polo Ospedale-Università” as arrival station to directly connect all of Italy to the Medicine campus.

Visit this page for more information on transportation and parking facilities.